Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Exploring Italy - Women's Day Festival & Bergamo Città alta (upper city)

I happened to be in Italy with my husband on March 8. As we were getting ready for a great day of exploring, I looked out of the windows of The Papa, where we were staying. I noticed amazing yellow flowers being displayed on the sidewalks in front of almost every store - not just at the floral shop across the street. I also noticed that men and women alike seemed to be drawn to the flowers, and were purchasing and carrying little bouquets as they walked. I was drawn to the bright yellow display, and naturally, had to get a closer look right after a fabulous breakfast. Much to my surprise, the tables at The Papa had been transformed with fragrant little bouquets of yellow flowers, which I learned was called mimosa. I'd never seen this flower before in America. When Gorgio, the proprietor of The Papa greeted us at the table, it was with a warm, "Buon giorno della donna". Happy Women's Day!

La Festa Della Donna, women's day festival, is celebrated March 8 all over Italy. On this day, men bring flowers, usually yellow Mimosa, to the women in their lives. Restaurants have special Festa della Donna meals and there are often small local festivals or concerts. You can read more about this festival by clicking on Life in Italy.

Captured by the culture and festivities of the day, we explored the Città alta of Bergamo. The "upper city" is surrounded by a stone wall that was built during the 17th century to protect it's inhabitants from outsiders. I mentioned this link in my previous post, but you can read more about Bergamo and the history at Wikipedia.

Enjoy the photos and Festa della Donna Felice!

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