Thursday, February 25, 2016

Cupula, bell tower and snow bunny, Oh My!~

We have had an exceptionally mild Michigan winter, until we didn't. 10.5 inches in less than 24 hours of thick, wet, beautiful snow. I couldn't resist taking some photos...

Bobby Boop, snow bunny extraordinaire!~

My grandma's swing. Love the snow caused cascading evergreen!~

Sunroom & cupula. Front and back. Built by my amazing husband!~


Bell tower - can't wait to find the right bell!~

We have french doors that have been waiting in our shed for some time for just the right use - I think they might be perfect replacement doors for the front entrance!~

Kid's fort!~ (built by my man)

grapevine wreaths on shed

My talented husband built the fence and structures in next couple photos. Seriously so thankful for his skills!~

Horse shed!~

Dakota & Goldie. Sweet miniatures & brothers who would be lost without each other.

Chicken coop!~ The chicks are staying where they are warm.

A touch of water in creek bed. 
So pretty in real life!~


From our farm to you!~
Enjoy something beautiful today... or silly, 
like a bunny in a flower pot!~

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Colorful February Wedding

 Mallory to Guenther, February 5, 2016 

Our sweet bride is from Michigan and our charming groom is from Austria. They met in Thailand where they worked together in the mission field. They loved the idea of incorporating great fun, splashes of color designed with an Asian flair and a traditional twist into their wedding flowers.

(Snapshots by yours truly. Will enjoy seeing the professional photos!)

The ceremony took place at Vergennes United Methodist Church in Lowell, MI.

Congratulations Mallory and Guenther!  Wishing you many blessings as you begin your life together as husband and wife!~