Thursday, November 26, 2020

In Everything Give Thanks

 Happy Thanksgiving!~

From my house to yours. 

In everything give thanks. 

A healthy perspective for every single day!~

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Sharing good things in April 2020, Part 5

A floral series of encouragement for April 2020
Part 5 of 5
The last few days of April - posts on facebook and instagram. Thank you so much for following along!~

Whether you are alone or with a few others during this time, may you find reasons to celebrate even the simplest of things today on this Tuesday, April 28, 2020

On this Wednesday, April 29 may you give and receive: kindness, home, grace and love!~

On this April 30, 2020, may you look forward to very good things happening soon while enjoying the day today. Going back to work, planning a trip, getting together with friends and family, just doing anything that feels like normal life :)!~  We will press thru and we will get thru this!~ 

I hope that the month of April daily Forrester Farm floral inspirational posts have brought a smile to your heart while bringing good things to your social media feed during this Covid time.  It was fun for me to look back thru so many of our past weddings and events to feature different photos.
This year marks our 20th year of Forrester Farm!~  More on that later, but it has been fun to look thru photos from the past 20 years. Pondering where we have been, where we are and where we are going!~  Thank you to all who have been a part of our past 20 years!~ Blessings. 

Monday, April 27, 2020

Sharing good things in April 2020, Part 4

A floral series of encouragement for April 2020
From this past week's facebook and instagram posts:

On this Tuesday, April 21, as we are still under a stay home order, may you find beauty in what surrounds you!~

On this Wednesday, April 22, 2020, may your day be filled with special moments and abounding love!~

Something sunny for your Thursday, April 23, 2020. May your day be filled with more good news than bad!~

Another Friday, another day closer to having this pandemic behind us!~  On this April 24, 2020, may we continue to cheer on the front line workers in all walks of life. Hold tight, continue to endure, find the good in what surrounds you at this time. This too shall pass!~

A little texture for your Saturday, April 25, 2020. May your day be filled with comfort and cozy in your stay at home spaces if you are still in a stay home state.  If you are breaking free - break free with cautious abandon, embracing the freedom yet still being careful to follow the guidelines for the sake of the greater good!~

Today, may you delight in the unexpected, laugh in the simple joys and see goodness in every circumstance.  In short, may your Sunday, April 26, 2020 be sweet and savory, awakening your senses to what surrounds you!~

The sun is out and the birds are singing on this Monday morning in Michigan. On this April 27, 2020, may you be thankful, energized and ready to face a new week in style, wherever you may be!~

As we come to the last week of April, some states in the USA are opening up again. In Michigan, our stay at home order has been extended thru the middle of May. Despite all that is happening in our world, seeing beauty every day, in all circumstances, is just one way to stay positive in this time. 

It is my hope that the daily Forrester Farm floral posts (on facebook and instagram) and weekly (on blog) thru the month of April have resulted in smiles as we are in the midst of this challenging time in our world. 

Monday, April 20, 2020

Sharing good things in April 2020, Part 3

It is my hope that the daily Forrester Farm floral posts (on facebook and instagram) and weekly (on blog) thru the month April have resulted in smiles in the midst of this challenging time in our world. 

On this Tuesday, April 14, may your day be filled with more energy & calm than apathy & stress. We will get past this crazy pandemic!~

We woke up to a snow covered spring wonderland today. On this Wednesday, April 15, may we all do our part to spread peace on earth and goodwill towards all!~

As the sun is peeking thru the clouds in Michigan, may your day be filled with smiles and bursts of laughter on this Thursday, April 16, 2020. 

Cheers to Friday!~  May your day be filled with unexpected fun and whimsy on this April 17, 2020!~

Happy Weekend!~  Minnow buckets used for flowers? Why not!~  I have to confess though, lake time is going to be even more precious this summer after going thru this Covid 19 ordeal!~Today, on this Saturday, April 18, may you start to feel the excitement of eventual lifted restrictions!~ (especially our Great Lakes Michigan peeps.)

The birds are singing and the sun is shining in our little neck of the woods!~  On this Sunday, April 19, may your day be filled with inspiration and peace!~

May your Monday be filled with sweet and memorable moments as you move thru your day on this April 20, 2020.

All photos are of arrangements created by Forrester Farm, unless stated otherwise. Thank you for following along. 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Sharing good things in April 2020, Part 2

May your day be filled with more 
peace than worry on this Tuesday, April 7.

Happy Wednesday!~  May your day be filled with more gratitude than grumbling, in your own heart and in those around you, on this April 8, 2020

May your Thursday, April 9 be filled with 
faith hope and love!~

May your day be filled with joy and thoughtfulness on this Good Friday, April 10, 2020.

Happy Saturday!~ May your day be filled with fresh perspective and renewed hope on this April 11, 2020. 

Happy Easter Sunday!~  May your day be filled with joy, wonder and humility on this April 12, 2020.

Cheers to Monday!~  May your day be filled with true thankfulness, in pondering more of the good and less of the negative, on this April 13, 2020.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Sharing good things in April 2020

May your day be filled with more
 joy than sorrow!~
April 1, 2020

May your day be filled with more
 giggles than grumpies!~
April 2, 2020

May your day be filled with more
 joy than heartbreak!~
April 3, 2020

May your day be filled with more
 brightness than darkness!~
April 4, 2020

May your day be filled with
 purity, beauty and goodness!~
April 5, 2020
Palm Sunday

May your day be filled with more
 kindness than criticism,
 both in giving and receiving!~
April 6, 2020

April is our birthday month - for both Forrester Farm and it's founder.  The things that our world is going thru during this most unprecedented time of a corona virus pandemic is absolutely horrendous. Those who are working on the front line for the sake of others... gratitude does not even begin to touch the depth of thankfulness that is due. As a society, as we all try to do our part to protect those around us, my hope is to spread a bit of joy thru a variety of floral photos that I've taken thru the past 20 years of Forrester Farm. 20!!!  Posting daily thru the month of April on facebook and instragram. Weekly catch ups will be here on the blog. Thanks for following along. God bless you and yours and may your days become brighter & brighter with every passing day of April!~ 

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Holiday Party Extraordinaire!~

It seems as though 12 months fly by quickly, every single year. The days and moments aren't always recorded or even remembered as time goes by, which is why I'm always so so thankful when our clients share photos with me following an event. Receiving the professional photos of the weddings or events that Forrester Farm provides the floral and decor for is a post event highlight for sure!~  Seeing the photos often confirms why I do what I do and inspires me to continue to learn, grow, enjoy and share more of what we love to be a part of. Beauty. Gatherings. Friendship. Love. 

Holiday Party for: FormulaFolios

Sunday, January 5, 2020

A Handmade Christmas with Salt Dough Ornaments

As the last of the Christmas holiday decor is being put away, I couldn't resist sharing this fun and easy project that was great to share with friends and family this past holiday season. 

Initially inspired by a blog post by Cotton Stem on the salt dough ornaments that Erin and her daughters created at Thanksgiving time, I rolled the cinnamon infused dough and sipped on wine as Christmas tunes were playing in the background. 

As I was using the cookie cutters that I already had on hand, my only plan for the ornaments was to use them as gift tags for the holidays. It was only after they were made that the inspiration struck to incorporate them as embellishments on handcrafted candles that were given away to friends and family. 

After the ornaments were baked and cooled, a thin ribbon was added. Honestly, adding the ribbon to the ornaments was the most time consuming part of this whole project.

Frosted floral vases, that I happened to have an abundance of (benefit of being a florist), were embellished with sweet ribbon that I found at Hobby Lobby and  tied in a way to hold three star ornaments.  The vases were then filled with a layer of Epsom salt (looks like snow) and a glass votive candle was nestled inside. 

Carefully packed with tissue and tied with a bow, these gifts were fun and easy to make and were given away and shared with love. 

Salt Dough Ornament Recipe

2 cups flour
1 cup table salt
1 cup warm water
2 tablespoons cinnamon

Mix all ingredients together. Roll to 1/4 inch thickness. Cut desired shapes with cookie cutters. Use a skewer, straw or coffee stirrer to create a hole for hanging purposes. Bake at 300 degrees for about an hour or until the ornaments are hard. After the ornaments have cooled off, add ribbon and paint if desired. 

Share, enjoy and be creative!~